BDO Tier List 2024: Unraveling the Strongest Classes in the Realm

In the vast and ever-evolving world of Black Desert Online (BDO), choosing the right class can significantly impact your gameplay experience. With a diverse roster of characters, each possessing unique skills, playstyles, and strengths, navigating the class selection process can be daunting.

To assist adventurers in their quest for greatness, we’ve compiled an updated Tier List for 2024, highlighting the most dominant and well-rounded classes in the game. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran seeking optimization or a newcomer eager to make a mark in the realm, this guide will help you find the ideal class that aligns with your combat preferences and strategic aspirations.

Before delving into the specifics of each class, it’s essential to understand the factors that determine their placement in the Tier List. These factors include overall damage output, survivability, utility, and ease of play. While no class is inherently superior in every aspect, some excel in certain areas, making them more suitable for particular playstyles or content.

Bdo Tier List 2024

Unveiling the strongest classes in the realm.

  • Dominant and well-rounded classes
  • Factors: damage, survivability, utility
  • No class excels in every aspect
  • Suitable for particular playstyles
  • Tier List subject to balance changes
  • Regular updates and class adjustments
  • Consider personal preferences and playstyle
  • Experiment with different classes
  • Choose a class that fits your long-term goals
  • Stay informed about class changes

Remember, the Tier List is a dynamic ranking that can shift based on balance changes and updates. Stay informed about class adjustments and experiment with different classes to find the one that resonates with your playstyle and long-term goals.

Dominant and well-rounded classes

In the ever-evolving realm of Black Desert Online, certain classes consistently rise above the rest, earning their place among the dominant and well-rounded contenders.

  • Unparalleled Damage Output: These classes excel in dealing devastating blows, capable of eliminating foes with swift and decisive strikes. Their high damage potential makes them formidable adversaries in both PvE and PvP content.
  • Resilient Survivability: With robust defensive capabilities, these classes can withstand a barrage of attacks, shrugging off damage and enduring even the most perilous encounters. Their survivability ensures they can stay in the thick of battle, dealing consistent damage without falling prey to enemy onslaughts.
  • Versatile Utility: Beyond their offensive and defensive prowess, these classes offer a diverse range of utility skills. They can provide invaluable support to their allies, whether it’s healing, crowd control, or strategic buffs. Their versatility makes them valuable assets in group content and solo adventures alike.
  • Accessible Playstyle: While some classes may have complex mechanics or steep learning curves, these dominant classes are generally more accessible to players of all skill levels. Their straightforward playstyles allow players to focus on mastering their core skills and honing their combat techniques without getting bogged down in intricate combos or micromanagement.

These dominant and well-rounded classes offer a compelling blend of power, resilience, utility, and accessibility, making them ideal choices for players seeking a well-balanced and effective character in Black Desert Online.

Factors: damage, survivability, utility

When evaluating classes for the Tier List, we consider several key factors that contribute to their overall performance and effectiveness in Black Desert Online. These factors include:

  • Damage Output: This factor assesses a class’s ability to deal damage to enemies. It encompasses various aspects such as base damage, attack speed, skill multipliers, and damage modifiers. Classes with high damage output can quickly eliminate foes and excel in both PvE grinding and PvP combat.
  • Survivability: This factor evaluates a class’s ability to withstand damage and stay alive in combat. It considers defensive attributes such as health points, evasion, block rate, and crowd control resistance. Classes with high survivability can endure prolonged engagements, tank enemy attacks, and recover from critical situations.
  • Utility: This factor examines a class’s versatility and the range of supportive abilities it offers. Utility skills can include healing, crowd control, buffs, debuffs, and mobility enhancements. Classes with high utility bring added value to group content, enhance team performance, and provide strategic advantages in various combat scenarios.
  • Ease of Play: While not directly related to combat effectiveness, ease of play is a crucial factor for many players. It encompasses aspects such as skill complexity, resource management, and overall learning curve. Classes that are easy to play allow players to focus on strategic decision-making and enjoying the game without getting bogged down by intricate mechanics.

By carefully considering these factors, we can determine the relative strength and viability of each class in the current BDO meta, resulting in a comprehensive and informative Tier List for players to reference.

No class excels in every aspect

While some classes may excel in certain areas, it’s essential to recognize that no class in Black Desert Online is inherently superior in every aspect. Each class has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, making them more suitable for particular playstyles, content types, or group compositions.

  • Balanced Class Design: The developers of Black Desert Online strive to maintain a balanced class ecosystem, ensuring that no single class dominates across all aspects of gameplay. This design philosophy promotes diversity and encourages players to explore different classes, finding the one that best aligns with their preferences and strategic goals.
  • Situational Advantages: Different classes excel in different situations. For example, a class with high mobility and crowd control may be ideal for grinding large groups of enemies, while a class with strong single-target damage may excel in boss fights. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each class allows players to adapt their playstyle and team composition to specific content.
  • Personal Preferences: Ultimately, the choice of class in Black Desert Online is a matter of personal preference. Some players may prefer classes with flashy visuals and dynamic combat mechanics, while others may prioritize survivability or utility. There is no right or wrong answer, and players should choose the class that they find the most enjoyable and rewarding to play.
  • Dynamic Meta Changes: The BDO meta is constantly evolving due to balance updates, new content releases, and shifting player strategies. A class that is considered top-tier today may fall out of favor in the future. Therefore, it’s important for players to stay informed about class changes and be willing to adapt their character choices accordingly.

Embracing the diversity of classes and understanding their unique strengths and weaknesses is key to mastering Black Desert Online and achieving long-term success in the game.

Suitable for particular playstyles

The diverse range of classes in Black Desert Online caters to a wide spectrum of playstyles, allowing players to find a character that resonates with their preferred combat approach and strategic preferences.

  • Aggressive Damage Dealers: For players who enjoy dealing massive damage and eliminating enemies swiftly, classes with high offensive capabilities are ideal. These classes excel at melting down enemy health bars, both in PvE and PvP content. Examples include classes like the Berserker, Musa, and Dark Knight.
  • Resilient Tanks: If you prefer to stand toe-to-toe with enemies, absorbing damage and protecting your allies, tank classes are the way to go. With their exceptional survivability and crowd control abilities, tanks are indispensable in group content and provide a solid foundation for their team’s success. Examples include classes like the Warrior, Valkyrie, and Guardian.
  • Supportive Healers: Players who enjoy providing aid to their teammates and keeping them alive will find solace in healer classes. These classes possess powerful healing skills, buffs, and utility abilities, making them invaluable in group content and certain PvE scenarios. Examples include classes like the Priest, Shai, and Mystic.
  • Agile Assassins: For players who love stealth, mobility, and burst damage, assassin classes are the perfect choice. With their lightning-fast attacks, crowd control abilities, and the ability to deal massive damage from the shadows, assassins excel at eliminating high-value targets and disrupting enemy formations. Examples include classes like the Ninja, Kunoichi, and Hashashin.

These are just a few examples of the diverse playstyles available in Black Desert Online. Ultimately, the best class for you is the one that aligns with your personal preferences and allows you to have the most enjoyable and rewarding gaming experience.

Tier List subject to balance changes

It’s important to note that the BDO Tier List is subject to change over time due to balance updates and adjustments made by the developers. These changes aim to maintain a healthy and competitive class ecosystem, ensuring that no single class dominates for an extended period.

  • Regular Updates and Class Adjustments: The developers of Black Desert Online are committed to regularly updating the game and making balance adjustments to classes. These updates can include buffs, nerfs, and reworkings of skills and abilities, with the goal of addressing class imbalances and ensuring that all classes remain viable and competitive.
  • Meta Shifts and Emerging Strategies: As the game evolves and new content is released, the meta can shift, leading to the rise and fall of certain classes. Additionally, players may discover new and innovative strategies that elevate certain classes to prominence. This dynamic nature of the game keeps the Tier List fluid and encourages players to adapt and explore different class options.
  • Community Feedback and Player Input: The developers of Black Desert Online actively listen to player feedback and consider community input when making balance adjustments. This ensures that the Tier List reflects the actual performance and popularity of classes among the player base.
  • Long-Term Class Viability: While some classes may be temporarily stronger or weaker than others due to balance changes, it’s important to consider the long-term viability of a class when making your choice. Some classes may have a consistently strong performance across various content and updates, while others may experience more significant fluctuations.

Therefore, it’s essential to stay informed about class changes, monitor the Tier List updates, and be willing to adjust your class choice if necessary to maintain your competitive edge in Black Desert Online.

Regular updates and class adjustments

The developers of Black Desert Online are committed to maintaining a balanced and dynamic class ecosystem by releasing regular updates and making class adjustments. These updates typically include:

  • Skill Balancing: The developers may adjust the damage, cooldowns, or effects of skills to ensure that all classes have a fair and competitive skillset. This can involve buffing underperforming skills or nerfing overpowered ones.
  • Class Reworks: In some cases, entire classes may undergo reworks to address fundamental issues or to bring them in line with the current meta. Reworks can involve overhauling skill sets, changing class mechanics, or introducing new playstyles.
  • New Skills and Abilities: Occasionally, new skills or abilities are added to classes to expand their capabilities and strategic options. This can help to freshen up gameplay and keep classes relevant in the evolving meta.
  • Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements: Updates often include bug fixes and performance improvements that address issues reported by the community. These fixes can enhance the overall gameplay experience and ensure that all classes function as intended.

The frequency of these updates can vary, but the developers have demonstrated a consistent commitment to maintaining a healthy and balanced class ecosystem in Black Desert Online. By regularly updating and adjusting classes, they aim to ensure that all classes have a fair chance to excel in different aspects of the game, promoting diversity and strategic variety among players.

To stay up-to-date with the latest class changes and balance adjustments, players are encouraged to monitor official announcements, developer blogs, and community forums. This information can help players make informed decisions about their class choice and adapt their playstyle to the evolving meta.

Consider personal preferences and playstyle

While the Tier List provides valuable insights into the relative strength and viability of classes in Black Desert Online, it’s important to remember that personal preferences and playstyle should ultimately guide your class choice.

  • Combat Style and Aesthetics: Different classes in BDO have unique combat styles and visual aesthetics. Some classes may appeal to your personal preferences more than others. Consider whether you prefer fast-paced, flashy combat or slower, methodical gameplay. Do you prefer wielding a massive two-handed sword, or do you prefer the agility of dual-wielding daggers? Choose a class that resonates with your combat style and visual preferences.
  • Role and Group Composition: Think about the role you want to play in group content and how your class choice will complement the team composition. If you enjoy supporting your allies, a healer or buffer class might be a good fit. If you prefer to be the frontline damage dealer, a high-DPS class might be more suitable. Consider how your class choice will synergize with other classes in your group.
  • Learning Curve and Complexity: Some classes in BDO have steep learning curves and complex mechanics, while others are more beginner-friendly. Consider how much time and effort you are willing to invest in mastering a class. If you prefer a class that is easy to pick up and play, choose one with a lower skill floor. If you enjoy the challenge of learning complex mechanics and mastering your class, a class with a higher skill ceiling might be more rewarding.
  • Long-Term Goals and Aspirations: Think about your long-term goals and aspirations in Black Desert Online. Do you want to focus on PvE content, such as grinding mobs and defeating world bosses? Or do you want to excel in PvP, engaging in duels and node wars? Consider which classes are best suited for your preferred content and playstyle.

By carefully considering your personal preferences, playstyle, and long-term goals, you can choose a class in Black Desert Online that you will genuinely enjoy playing and that will help you achieve your desired outcomes.

Experiment with different classes

One of the best ways to find the right class for you in Black Desert Online is to experiment with different classes and try out their unique playstyles firsthand.

  • Create Trial Characters: Black Desert Online allows players to create trial characters, which are temporary characters that can be used to test out different classes without committing to a permanent choice. Trial characters have access to a limited level range and a set of pre-determined skills, allowing you to get a feel for the class’s combat mechanics and playstyle.
  • Join the Training Arena: The Training Arena is a dedicated area where players can practice their skills and test out different class combinations without the risk of losing experience or items. This is a great place to experiment with different classes, learn their combos, and get a sense of their overall performance in a controlled environment.
  • Participate in Seasonal Servers: Seasonal servers are special servers that offer accelerated leveling and unique rewards. They are a great opportunity to try out new classes without having to worry about falling behind in progression on your main character. Seasonal servers also provide a more level playing field, as everyone starts from scratch.
  • Watch Class Guides and Videos: There are numerous class guides and videos available online that provide in-depth breakdowns of each class’s skills, combos, and playstyles. Watching these guides can give you a better understanding of how a class operates and whether it aligns with your preferences.

By experimenting with different classes through trial characters, the Training Arena, seasonal servers, and class guides, you can gain valuable insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and overall playstyles. This experimentation will help you make an informed decision about which class to choose as your main character and embark on your journey in Black Desert Online.

Choose a class that fits your long-term goals

When selecting a class in Black Desert Online, it’s important to consider your long-term goals and aspirations in the game. Different classes excel in different areas, and choosing a class that aligns with your goals will help you achieve success and enjoyment in the long run.

  • PvE Content: If your primary focus is on PvE content, such as grinding mobs, farming materials, and defeating world bosses, consider classes that excel in these areas. Classes with high damage output, survivability, and crowd control abilities are well-suited for PvE content. Examples include classes like the Berserker, Musa, and Dark Knight.
  • PvP Content: If you enjoy engaging in PvP battles, duels, and node wars, choose a class that is strong in PvP. Classes with high burst damage, mobility, and defensive capabilities are often sought after in PvP content. Examples include classes like the Ninja, Kunoichi, and Hashashin.
  • Life Skills and Crafting: If you’re interested in pursuing life skills such as gathering, fishing, or crafting, consider classes that offer bonuses or advantages in these areas. Some classes have skills that increase the yield or quality of gathered materials, while others can craft unique items or provide buffs to life skill activities. Examples include classes like the Shai, Ranger, and Artisan.
  • Group Content and Raiding: If you enjoy participating in group content, such as dungeons, raids, and guild wars, choose a class that offers valuable support or utility to the team. Classes with healing, crowd control, or buffing abilities are highly sought after in group content. Examples include classes like the Priest, Mystic, and Valkyrie.

By aligning your class choice with your long-term goals, you can ensure that you have a character that is well-suited for the content you enjoy and the playstyle you prefer. This will lead to a more rewarding and fulfilling experience in Black Desert Online.

Stay informed about class changes

In Black Desert Online, class balance and updates are constantly evolving. To ensure that you have the most up-to-date information and can make informed decisions about your class choice, it’s crucial to stay informed about class changes.

  • Official Patch Notes and Announcements: The developers of Black Desert Online regularly release patch notes and announcements detailing class changes, balance adjustments, and new content. These updates are typically published on the game’s official website, forums, and social media channels.
  • Community Forums and Websites: The Black Desert Online community is very active and passionate, with numerous forums, websites, and online communities dedicated to discussing the game. These platforms often have dedicated sections where players share information about class changes, test new builds, and provide feedback to the developers.
  • Content Creators and Influencers: Many content creators and influencers in the Black Desert Online community regularly produce videos, guides, and streams that cover class changes, updates, and the latest meta. These creators often have access to early information and can provide valuable insights into how class changes may impact the game.
  • In-Game Feedback and Surveys: The developers of Black Desert Online often conduct in-game surveys and collect feedback from players regarding class balance and changes. Participating in these surveys and providing constructive feedback can help shape the future direction of class adjustments and improvements.

By staying informed about class changes, you can adapt your playstyle, adjust your skill build, and make informed decisions about your class choice. This will ensure that you are always prepared for the evolving meta and can continue to excel in Black Desert Online.


Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the BDO Tier List 2024 and related topics:

Question 1: What is the BDO Tier List?
Answer: The BDO Tier List is a ranking of classes in Black Desert Online based on their overall performance and effectiveness in various aspects of the game, including PvE, PvP, and life skills.

Question 2: How is the Tier List determined?
Answer: The Tier List is determined by considering several factors, including class damage output, survivability, utility, and ease of play. The Tier List is subject to change over time due to balance updates and changes in the game meta.

Question 3: Which class is the best in BDO?
Answer: There is no single “best” class in BDO, as the optimal choice depends on individual preferences, playstyle, and content focus. Different classes excel in different areas, so it’s important to choose a class that aligns with your goals and preferences.

Question 4: Should I always follow the Tier List when choosing a class?
Answer: While the Tier List can provide valuable insights, it’s important to remember that personal preferences and playstyle should ultimately guide your class choice. Experiment with different classes to find one that you genuinely enjoy playing and that fits your long-term goals in the game.

Question 5: How can I stay up-to-date with class changes and balance adjustments?
Answer: To stay informed about class changes, regularly check official patch notes, community forums, and content creators who cover Black Desert Online. Additionally, participate in in-game surveys and provide feedback to the developers to help shape the future direction of class adjustments and improvements.

Question 6: Is it possible for a class to move up or down in the Tier List over time?
Answer: Yes, the Tier List is dynamic and can change over time due to balance updates, meta shifts, and new strategies discovered by players. Classes can move up or down in the Tier List based on their performance and the evolving game environment.

Remember, the BDO Tier List is a helpful tool to guide your class selection, but it’s ultimately your personal preferences and playstyle that will determine which class is the best fit for you.

Now that you have a better understanding of the BDO Tier List and class selection, let’s explore some additional tips to help you succeed in Black Desert Online.


Here are some practical tips to help you succeed in Black Desert Online in 2024:

Tip 1: Experiment with Different Classes: Don’t limit yourself to one class. Take advantage of trial characters and the Training Arena to experiment with different classes and find one that suits your playstyle and goals. This will help you make an informed decision about your main character and avoid investing time and resources into a class that you ultimately don’t enjoy.

Tip 2: Focus on Your Gear and Enhancements: In Black Desert Online, gear plays a crucial role in your character’s performance. Prioritize upgrading your gear and enhancing your equipment to increase your damage, survivability, and overall effectiveness in combat. Keep an eye out for opportunities to acquire better gear through grinding, quests, and market purchases.

Tip 3: Join a Guild and Participate in Group Content: Joining a guild in Black Desert Online offers numerous benefits, including access to guild buffs, social interactions, and opportunities to participate in group content such as raids, node wars, and world bosses. Group content can be very rewarding and can help you progress faster in the game. Additionally, being part of a guild can provide valuable support and guidance from experienced players.

Tip 4: Take Advantage of Life Skills: Life skills are an important aspect of Black Desert Online that can provide additional income, materials, and buffs. Consider investing time in life skills such as gathering, fishing, or crafting to supplement your income, enhance your gear, and gain additional benefits. Life skills can also be a relaxing and enjoyable way to break away from combat and explore the world of Black Desert Online.

Remember, success in Black Desert Online is not just about choosing the right class or having the best gear. It’s also about continuously learning, adapting to the evolving meta, and finding ways to improve your skills and strategies. With dedication and perseverance, you can achieve your goals and have a fulfilling experience in Black Desert Online.

As you embark on your journey in Black Desert Online, remember to have fun and enjoy the game. Whether you’re grinding mobs, exploring new regions, or engaging in epic PvP battles, there’s something for everyone in this vast and immersive world.


As we approach 2024, Black Desert Online continues to evolve and offer exciting opportunities for players to explore and conquer. The BDO Tier List provides valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of different classes, but it’s important to remember that personal preferences and playstyle should ultimately guide your class choice.

Experiment with different classes, focus on your gear and enhancements, join a guild and participate in group content, and take advantage of life skills to enhance your overall gameplay experience. With dedication and a willingness to learn and adapt, you can achieve your goals and have a fulfilling journey in Black Desert Online.

Remember, the world of Black Desert Online is vast and ever-changing, filled with countless adventures, challenges, and opportunities. Embrace the journey, make meaningful connections with other players, and forge your own unique legacy in this immersive and captivating MMORPG.

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