Convention Of States Map 2024: A Detailed Guide

The Convention Of States Map 2024 provides crucial information for individuals and organizations seeking to understand the process of calling a convention of states. This informative article aims to demystify the intricacies of this constitutional mechanism and guide readers through the steps involved in initiating and conducting a convention of states.

The Convention of States is a constitutional process that allows citizens to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution. It is a powerful tool for making changes to the Constitution that cannot be achieved through the traditional amendment process, which requires the approval of two-thirds of Congress and three-fourths of the states. A convention of states can be called by two-thirds of the state legislatures, and any amendments proposed by the convention must be ratified by three-fourths of the states.

The Convention Of States Map 2024 serves as a valuable resource for tracking the progress of efforts to call a convention of states. It provides an interactive map that displays the status of each state’s application to call a convention, as well as detailed information about the specific proposals being considered. This information is essential for anyone interested in understanding the current state of the movement to call a convention of states and the potential impact it could have on the U.S. Constitution.

Convention Of States Map 2024

A comprehensive guide to the process of calling a convention of states, including:

  • Interactive map of state applications
  • Detailed proposal information
  • Tracking of progress
  • Resources for advocates
  • Analysis of potential outcomes
  • Historical context and precedents
  • Arguments for and against
  • Expected timeline
  • Potential impact on the Constitution
  • Role of citizens and organizations

The Convention Of States Map 2024 is an essential resource for anyone interested in understanding the current state of the movement to call a convention of states and its potential impact on the U.S. Constitution.

Interactive map of state applications

The interactive map of state applications on the Convention Of States Map 2024 website provides a comprehensive overview of the status of efforts to call a convention of states. The map displays the following information for each state:

  • State’s application status: Whether the state has applied to call a convention of states, and if so, the date of the application.
  • Number of applications: The number of applications that have been submitted by the state legislature, as well as the number of applications that have been approved by the governor.
  • Proposal information: A summary of the specific proposals that the state has submitted to the convention, including the subject matter of the proposals and the proposed language of any amendments to the U.S. Constitution.
  • Progress tracker: A timeline that shows the progress of the state’s application, from the initial submission to the governor’s approval.

The interactive map also allows users to filter the data by various criteria, such as the status of the application, the subject matter of the proposals, and the date of the application. This makes it easy for users to find the information they are most interested in.

Overall, the interactive map of state applications is a valuable tool for anyone who wants to track the progress of efforts to call a convention of states. It provides a clear and concise overview of the status of each state’s application, as well as detailed information about the specific proposals being considered.

Detailed proposal information

The Convention Of States Map 2024 website provides detailed information about the specific proposals that have been submitted by states to the convention. This information includes:

  • Subject matter of the proposal: A brief description of the topic or issue that the proposal addresses, such as balanced budgets, term limits, or election reform.
  • Proposed language of the amendment: The exact wording of the amendment to the U.S. Constitution that the state is proposing.
  • Rationale for the proposal: A statement explaining why the state is proposing the amendment, including the problems that the amendment is intended to solve.
  • Potential impact of the proposal: A discussion of the potential consequences of the amendment, both positive and negative.

The website also provides links to additional resources, such as news articles, blog posts, and videos, that provide more information about the proposals. This allows users to gain a deeper understanding of the issues at stake and the potential impact of the proposed amendments.

Overall, the detailed proposal information on the Convention Of States Map 2024 website is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about the specific changes to the U.S. Constitution that are being proposed by states. This information can help individuals and organizations to make informed decisions about whether to support or oppose a convention of states.

Tracking of progress

The Convention Of States Map 2024 website provides a comprehensive system for tracking the progress of efforts to call a convention of states. This system includes:

  • Application status tracker: A table that shows the status of each state’s application to call a convention of states, including the date of the application, the number of applications submitted, and the number of applications approved by the governor.
  • Proposal tracker: A table that shows the status of each proposal that has been submitted by a state to the convention, including the subject matter of the proposal, the proposed language of the amendment, and the progress of the proposal through the state legislature.
  • Timeline: A graphical representation of the steps involved in the process of calling a convention of states, from the initial application to the ratification of amendments by the states.
  • News and updates: A section of the website that provides up-to-date news and analysis on the latest developments in the movement to call a convention of states.

The tracking system on the Convention Of States Map 2024 website is a valuable tool for anyone who wants to stay informed about the progress of efforts to call a convention of states. It provides a clear and concise overview of the status of each state’s application and proposal, as well as the overall progress of the movement.

This information can be used by individuals and organizations to track the progress of specific proposals, to identify states that are close to applying to call a convention, and to stay up-to-date on the latest news and developments related to the convention of states movement.

Resources for advocates

The Convention Of States Map 2024 website provides a variety of resources for advocates who want to get involved in the movement to call a convention of states. These resources include:

  • Advocacy toolkit: A comprehensive guide that provides step-by-step instructions on how to advocate for a convention of states, including tips for talking to elected officials, writing letters to the editor, and organizing events.
  • Sample resolutions: Pre-written resolutions that can be used by individuals and organizations to call on their state legislature to apply to call a convention of states.
  • Speaker bureau: A list of experts who are available to speak to groups about the convention of states movement.
  • Social media resources: A collection of social media graphics, videos, and talking points that can be used to spread the word about the convention of states movement online.

The resources for advocates on the Convention Of States Map 2024 website are a valuable tool for anyone who wants to get involved in the movement to call a convention of states. These resources provide the information and tools that individuals and organizations need to effectively advocate for a convention of states at the state and national level.

By using these resources, advocates can help to raise awareness of the convention of states movement, build support for a convention, and ultimately help to bring about a convention of states that can address the serious problems facing our nation.

Analysis of potential outcomes

The Convention Of States Map 2024 website provides an in-depth analysis of the potential outcomes of a convention of states. This analysis includes:

Potential amendments to the U.S. Constitution: A discussion of the specific amendments to the U.S. Constitution that could be proposed by a convention of states, based on the proposals that have been submitted by states to date. This includes amendments on a wide range of topics, such as balanced budgets, term limits, election reform, and campaign finance reform.

Impact on the U.S. political system: An analysis of the potential impact of a convention of states on the U.S. political system, including the balance of power between the federal government and the states, the role of political parties, and the ability of citizens to participate in the political process.

Historical context and precedents: A review of the historical context of conventions of states, including the Philadelphia Convention of 1787 that drafted the U.S. Constitution, and an examination of the precedents that exist for amending the Constitution through a convention of states.

Arguments for and against a convention of states: A balanced presentation of the arguments for and against calling a convention of states, including the potential benefits and risks of this process.

The analysis of potential outcomes on the Convention Of States Map 2024 website is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to understand the potential consequences of a convention of states. This analysis provides a comprehensive overview of the possible amendments to the Constitution, the impact on the political system, and the historical context and precedents for calling a convention of states.

By understanding the potential outcomes of a convention of states, individuals and organizations can make informed decisions about whether to support or oppose this process. This information can also help to ensure that a convention of states, if it is called, is conducted in a fair and transparent manner that respects the will of the people.

Historical context and precedents

The Convention Of States Map 2024 website provides a comprehensive overview of the historical context and precedents for calling a convention of states. This information includes:

  • Philadelphia Convention of 1787: A detailed account of the Philadelphia Convention of 1787, which was the convention that drafted the U.S. Constitution. This includes information about the delegates who attended the convention, the debates that took place, and the compromises that were reached.
  • Other conventions of states: A review of other conventions of states that have been held in U.S. history, including the Hartford Convention of 1814 and the Nashville Convention of 1850. This information provides context for the current movement to call a convention of states and helps to dispel the myth that such conventions are unprecedented.
  • Article V of the U.S. Constitution: An explanation of Article V of the U.S. Constitution, which provides two methods for amending the Constitution: through a convention of states or through a proposal by Congress. This information helps to clarify the legal basis for calling a convention of states and the process that must be followed.
  • Historical precedents for amending the Constitution through a convention of states: A discussion of the historical precedents for amending the Constitution through a convention of states, including the amendments that were proposed by the Philadelphia Convention of 1787 and the amendments that were proposed by the convention of states that was held in 1787.

The historical context and precedents section of the Convention Of States Map 2024 website is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about the history of conventions of states and the process of amending the U.S. Constitution.

This information helps to provide a deeper understanding of the current movement to call a convention of states and the potential implications of this process.

Arguments for and against

The Convention Of States Map 2024 website presents a balanced overview of the arguments for and against calling a convention of states. These arguments include:

Arguments for a convention of states:

  • The need for constitutional reform: Supporters of a convention of states argue that the U.S. Constitution is in need of reform to address a variety of problems, such as the growing national debt, the gridlock in Congress, and the erosion of individual liberties.
  • The failure of the traditional amendment process: Supporters argue that the traditional amendment process, which requires the approval of two-thirds of Congress and three-fourths of the states, is too difficult and has become politicized. They believe that a convention of states would provide a more direct and democratic way to amend the Constitution.
  • The historical precedent: Supporters point to the Philadelphia Convention of 1787 as a successful example of a convention of states that was able to produce a new constitution that has stood the test of time.

Arguments against a convention of states:

  • The risk of unintended consequences: Opponents of a convention of states argue that there is a risk that a convention could propose amendments that have unintended and negative consequences. They also worry that a convention could be dominated by special interests or that it could lead to a radical rewriting of the Constitution.
  • The lack of public support: Opponents argue that there is not sufficient public support for a convention of states. They point to polls that show that a majority of Americans are not aware of the convention of states process or do not support calling a convention.
  • The potential for abuse: Opponents argue that the convention of states process could be abused by politicians or special interests to advance their own agendas. They worry that a convention could be used to roll back civil rights or to undermine the separation of powers.

The Convention Of States Map 2024 website provides a fair and balanced presentation of the arguments for and against calling a convention of states. This information is essential for individuals and organizations to make informed decisions about whether to support or oppose this process.

Expected timeline

The Convention Of States Map 2024 website provides a detailed overview of the expected timeline for calling a convention of states. This timeline includes the following steps:

  1. State applications: States can begin submitting applications to call a convention of states at any time. Once an application is submitted, the governor of the state must approve it. To date, more than half of the states have submitted applications to call a convention of states.
  2. Congressional approval: Once two-thirds of the states have submitted applications to call a convention of states, Congress must approve the call. Congress can do this by passing a joint resolution or by calling a national convention.
  3. Convention of states: Once Congress has approved the call for a convention of states, the convention can be held. The convention will be composed of delegates from each state, who will be elected by the state legislatures.
  4. Proposed amendments: The convention will debate and vote on proposed amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Any amendments that are approved by the convention will be sent to the states for ratification.
  5. Ratification by the states: Three-fourths of the states must ratify an amendment to the U.S. Constitution before it can go into effect.

The expected timeline for calling a convention of states is complex and uncertain. However, the Convention Of States Map 2024 website provides a helpful overview of the process and the steps that need to be taken.

It is important to note that the timeline for calling a convention of states can be accelerated or delayed depending on a number of factors, such as the level of public support for a convention, the actions of Congress, and the decisions of the courts.

Potential impact on the Constitution

The Convention Of States Map 2024 website provides a comprehensive analysis of the potential impact of a convention of states on the U.S. Constitution. This analysis includes the following:

  • Potential amendments to the Constitution: A discussion of the specific amendments to the Constitution that could be proposed by a convention of states, based on the proposals that have been submitted by states to date. This includes amendments on a wide range of topics, such as balanced budgets, term limits, election reform, and campaign finance reform.
  • Impact on the balance of power: An analysis of the potential impact of a convention of states on the balance of power between the federal government and the states, the role of political parties, and the ability of citizens to participate in the political process.
  • Historical context and precedents: A review of the historical context of conventions of states, including the Philadelphia Convention of 1787 that drafted the U.S. Constitution, and an examination of the precedents that exist for amending the Constitution through a convention of states.
  • Arguments for and against a convention of states: A balanced presentation of the arguments for and against calling a convention of states, including the potential benefits and risks of this process.

The potential impact of a convention of states on the Constitution is a complex and controversial issue. The Convention Of States Map 2024 website provides a valuable resource for anyone who wants to understand the potential consequences of a convention of states and to make an informed decision about whether to support or oppose this process.

It is important to note that the potential impact of a convention of states is ultimately up to the delegates who are elected to the convention. The delegates will have the power to propose amendments to the Constitution, and these amendments will then need to be ratified by three-fourths of the states before they can go into effect.

Role of citizens and organizations

The Convention Of States Map 2024 website emphasizes the important role that citizens and organizations can play in the movement to call a convention of states. This role includes:

  • Educating the public: Citizens and organizations can help to educate the public about the convention of states process and the potential benefits and risks of calling a convention. This can be done through public speaking engagements, social media, and other forms of outreach.
  • Advocating for a convention of states: Citizens and organizations can advocate for a convention of states by contacting their elected officials, writing letters to the editor, and organizing events. They can also join organizations that are working to promote a convention of states, such as the Convention of States Action.
  • Submitting proposals for amendments to the Constitution: Citizens and organizations can submit proposals for amendments to the Constitution to their state legislatures. These proposals can be on any topic, and they will be considered by the state legislature when it is considering whether to apply to call a convention of states.
  • Electing delegates to a convention of states: If a convention of states is called, citizens will have the opportunity to elect delegates to the convention. These delegates will be responsible for proposing and debating amendments to the Constitution.

The Convention Of States Map 2024 website provides a variety of resources to help citizens and organizations get involved in the movement to call a convention of states. These resources include:

  • An advocacy toolkit with tips for talking to elected officials, writing letters to the editor, and organizing events.
  • A sample resolution that can be used by individuals and organizations to call on their state legislature to apply to call a convention of states.
  • A list of organizations that are working to promote a convention of states.

By getting involved in the movement to call a convention of states, citizens and organizations can help to ensure that the convention is conducted in a fair and transparent manner that respects the will of the people.


The Convention Of States Map 2024 website provides a comprehensive FAQ section that answers common questions about the convention of states process and the 2024 timeline. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions:

Question 1: What is a convention of states?

Answer: A convention of states is a gathering of delegates from each state who are elected to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution. A convention of states can be called by two-thirds of the states, and any amendments that are proposed by the convention must be ratified by three-fourths of the states before they can go into effect.

Question 2: Why is there a movement to call a convention of states in 2024?

Answer: Supporters of a convention of states argue that the U.S. Constitution is in need of reform to address a variety of problems, such as the growing national debt, the gridlock in Congress, and the erosion of individual liberties. They believe that a convention of states would provide a more direct and democratic way to amend the Constitution than the traditional amendment process, which requires the approval of two-thirds of Congress and three-fourths of the states.

Question 3: What is the timeline for calling a convention of states in 2024?

Answer: The timeline for calling a convention of states in 2024 is as follows:

  • 2023: States can continue to submit applications to call a convention of states.
  • 2024: If two-thirds of the states have submitted applications, Congress must approve the call for a convention.
  • 2024-2025: The convention of states would be held and would propose amendments to the Constitution.
  • 2025-2026: The states would ratify or reject the amendments proposed by the convention.

Question 4: What are some of the potential amendments that could be proposed by a convention of states in 2024?

Answer: The specific amendments that could be proposed by a convention of states in 2024 are unknown. However, some of the topics that have been discussed by supporters of a convention include balanced budgets, term limits, election reform, and campaign finance reform.

Question 5: What are the arguments for and against calling a convention of states in 2024?

Answer: Supporters of a convention of states argue that it is a necessary way to address the problems facing the country. They believe that the traditional amendment process is too difficult and that a convention would provide a more direct and democratic way to amend the Constitution. Opponents of a convention of states argue that it is too risky and that there is no guarantee that the convention would propose amendments that are in the best interests of the country. They also worry that a convention could be dominated by special interests or that it could lead to a radical rewriting of the Constitution.

Question 6: How can I get involved in the movement to call a convention of states in 2024?

Answer: There are a number of ways to get involved in the movement to call a convention of states in 2024. You can:

  • Educate yourself about the convention of states process.
  • Talk to your friends and family about the convention of states.
  • Contact your elected officials and let them know that you support a convention of states.
  • Join an organization that is working to promote a convention of states.

The Convention Of States Map 2024 website provides a variety of resources to help you get involved in the movement to call a convention of states in 2024.


The convention of states process is a complex and challenging one, but it is also a powerful tool for making changes to the U.S. Constitution. By getting involved in the movement to call a convention of states in 2024, you can help to ensure that the convention is conducted in a fair and transparent manner that respects the will of the people.


If you are interested in getting involved in the movement to call a convention of states in 2024, here are four practical tips:

  1. Educate yourself about the convention of states process.

The first step to getting involved is to learn as much as you can about the convention of states process. This includes understanding the history of conventions of states, the steps involved in calling a convention, and the potential impact of a convention on the U.S. Constitution. The Convention Of States Map 2024 website is a valuable resource for learning about the convention of states process.

Talk to your friends and family about the convention of states.

Once you have educated yourself about the convention of states process, talk to your friends and family about it. Share your knowledge and enthusiasm, and encourage them to get involved as well. The more people who are aware of the convention of states movement, the more likely it is that a convention will be called.

Contact your elected officials and let them know that you support a convention of states.

Your elected officials represent you in government, and it is their job to listen to your concerns. Contact your state legislators and members of Congress and let them know that you support a convention of states. Urge them to take action to call a convention.

Join an organization that is working to promote a convention of states.

There are a number of organizations that are working to promote a convention of states. These organizations provide a variety of resources and support to individuals who want to get involved in the movement. Joining an organization is a great way to connect with other people who share your views and to learn more about how you can help to call a convention of states.

By following these tips, you can help to make a difference in the movement to call a convention of states in 2024.


The convention of states process is a powerful tool for making changes to the U.S. Constitution. By getting involved in the movement to call a convention of states in 2024, you can help to ensure that the convention is conducted in a fair and transparent manner that respects the will of the people.


The Convention Of States Map 2024 provides a comprehensive overview of the movement to call a convention of states in 2024. This article has explored the key aspects of the convention of states process, including the history, the timeline, the potential impact on the Constitution, and the role of citizens and organizations.

The convention of states process is a powerful tool for making changes to the U.S. Constitution. However, it is also a complex and challenging process. There is no guarantee that a convention of states will be called in 2024, and there is no guarantee that the convention will propose amendments that are in the best interests of the country.

Despite these challenges, the movement to call a convention of states is gaining momentum. More and more people are becoming aware of the need for constitutional reform, and more and more states are submitting applications to call a convention. If you are concerned about the future of our country, I encourage you to get involved in the movement to call a convention of states in 2024.

By educating yourself about the convention of states process, talking to your friends and family, contacting your elected officials, and joining an organization that is working to promote a convention, you can help to make a difference.

The future of our country is at stake. Let’s work together to call a convention of states in 2024 and restore the Constitution to its original principles.

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