Lakeland Christmas Parade 2024: A Celebration of Holiday Magic

The Lakeland Christmas Parade is an annual tradition that brings the community together to celebrate the holiday season. This year’s parade promises to be bigger and better than ever, with festive floats, marching bands, and special guests.

The parade will take place on Saturday, December 7, 2024, at 11:00 AM. It will start at the corner of Main Street and Oak Avenue and continue down Main Street to City Hall. The parade route is lined with thousands of spectators who come to enjoy the spectacle and cheer on the participants.

This year’s parade will feature a variety of floats, including those from local businesses, community organizations, and schools. There will also be marching bands, dance troupes, and other performers. And of course, no Christmas parade would be complete without a visit from Santa Claus himself!

Lakeland Christmas Parade 2024

Festive floats, marching bands, special guests.

  • Date: December 7, 2024
  • Time: 11:00 AM
  • Location: Main Street, Lakeland
  • Free admission
  • Family-friendly event

Come celebrate the holiday season with us!

Date: December 7, 2024

The Lakeland Christmas Parade will take place on Saturday, December 7, 2024. This date was chosen to coincide with the first weekend of December, which is a popular time for holiday celebrations.

  • Convenient for families:

    The parade takes place on a Saturday, making it easy for families with children to attend.

  • Avoids conflicts with other events:

    The parade is scheduled for the first weekend of December to avoid conflicts with other major holiday events, such as Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.

  • Ideal weather conditions:

    The weather in Lakeland in early December is typically mild and pleasant, making it ideal for an outdoor event like the parade.

  • Plenty of time for holiday shopping:

    The parade takes place early in the holiday season, giving people plenty of time to do their holiday shopping and prepare for Christmas.

We hope to see you at the Lakeland Christmas Parade on December 7, 2024!

Time: 11:00 AM

The Lakeland Christmas Parade will begin at 11:00 AM on December 7, 2024. This time was chosen for a number of reasons.

  • Allows for a long parade route:

    The parade route is over a mile long, and starting at 11:00 AM gives the parade plenty of time to complete the route before dark.

  • Convenient for spectators:

    11:00 AM is a convenient time for spectators to attend the parade. It is late enough in the morning for people to have breakfast and get ready, but early enough in the day that it doesn’t interfere with other holiday plans.

  • Ideal for families with young children:

    11:00 AM is a good time for families with young children to attend the parade. It is early enough in the day that children are not too tired, and it is not too hot or cold outside.

  • Avoids conflicts with other events:

    Starting at 11:00 AM helps to avoid conflicts with other holiday events, such as church services and holiday parties.

We hope that the 11:00 AM start time will allow as many people as possible to enjoy the Lakeland Christmas Parade!

Location: Main Street, Lakeland

The Lakeland Christmas Parade will take place on Main Street in Lakeland. Main Street is the city’s main thoroughfare, and it is lined with historic buildings, shops, and restaurants. The parade route will start at the corner of Main Street and Oak Avenue and continue down Main Street to City Hall.

Main Street is a great location for the parade because it is wide and can accommodate a large number of parade participants. It is also a safe and family-friendly area. Spectators can line the sidewalks along Main Street to watch the parade. There are also several restaurants and cafes where spectators can grab a bite to eat or a warm drink before or after the parade.

The parade route is also close to several parking garages and public transportation options, making it easy for spectators to get to and from the parade.

We hope that the Main Street location will make it easy for everyone to enjoy the Lakeland Christmas Parade!

We encourage everyone to come out and enjoy the Lakeland Christmas Parade on December 7, 2024. It is a great way to celebrate the holiday season with family and friends.

Free admission

Admission to the Lakeland Christmas Parade is free. This is a great way to make the parade accessible to everyone in the community, regardless of their financial situation.

  • Encourages community participation:

    Free admission encourages people from all walks of life to attend the parade. This helps to create a sense of community and brings people together to celebrate the holiday season.

  • Makes it easy for families to attend:

    For families on a tight budget, free admission to the parade is a great way to enjoy a fun holiday activity without having to spend a lot of money.

  • Promotes the parade:

    Free admission helps to promote the parade and attract more spectators. This can lead to increased participation from businesses and organizations in the parade, which makes the parade even more enjoyable for everyone.

  • Enhances the holiday spirit:

    Free admission to the parade helps to spread holiday cheer and goodwill throughout the community. It is a gift to the community from the parade organizers and participants.

We hope that everyone will come out and enjoy the Lakeland Christmas Parade on December 7, 2024. Admission is free, so there is no excuse to miss it!

Family-friendly event

The Lakeland Christmas Parade is a family-friendly event that is enjoyed by people of all ages. The parade features a variety of floats, marching bands, and other performers that are sure to entertain and delight children and adults alike.

  • Safe and secure environment:

    The parade route is lined with police officers and security personnel to ensure a safe and secure environment for all spectators. This allows families to relax and enjoy the parade without having to worry about their safety.

  • Activities for children:

    In addition to the parade itself, there are also a number of activities for children at the parade, such as face painting, balloon animals, and visits with Santa Claus. This helps to keep children entertained and engaged throughout the event.

  • Educational opportunities:

    The parade also provides an opportunity for children to learn about the history and culture of Lakeland. The parade floats often depict scenes from Lakeland’s past, and the marching bands and other performers often play traditional holiday music. This can help children to develop a sense of pride in their community and to learn about different cultures.

  • Creates lasting memories:

    The Lakeland Christmas Parade is a great opportunity for families to create lasting memories. The parade is a magical experience that children will remember for years to come.

We hope that all families will come out and enjoy the Lakeland Christmas Parade on December 7, 2024. It is a great way to celebrate the holiday season and create lasting memories.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the 2024 Lakeland Christmas Parade:

Question 1: What is the date and time of the parade?
Answer 1: The parade will take place on Saturday, December 7, 2024, at 11:00 AM.

Question 2: Where is the parade route?
Answer 2: The parade route will start at the corner of Main Street and Oak Avenue and continue down Main Street to City Hall.

Question 3: Is admission to the parade free?
Answer 3: Yes, admission to the parade is free.

Question 4: Is the parade family-friendly?
Answer 4: Yes, the parade is a family-friendly event that is enjoyed by people of all ages.

Question 5: What kind of floats and performers can we expect to see in the parade?
Answer 5: The parade will feature a variety of floats, marching bands, dance troupes, and other performers. There will also be special appearances by Santa Claus and other holiday characters.

Question 6: Where can I park my car?
Answer 6: There are several parking garages and public transportation options available near the parade route. Spectators are encouraged to use public transportation or carpool to reduce traffic congestion.

Question 7: What should I bring with me to the parade?
Answer 7: Be sure to dress warmly and bring a blanket or chair to sit on. You may also want to bring a camera to capture all the festive sights and sounds of the parade.

We hope this FAQ answers all of your questions about the 2024 Lakeland Christmas Parade. We look forward to seeing you there!

In addition to the FAQ, here are some tips for making the most of your experience at the Lakeland Christmas Parade:


Here are a few tips for making the most of your experience at the 2024 Lakeland Christmas Parade:

Tip 1: Arrive early.
The parade route is lined with thousands of spectators, so it is important to arrive early to get a good spot. If you are driving, allow plenty of time to find parking and walk to the parade route.

Tip 2: Dress warmly.
The weather in Lakeland in December can be cold, so be sure to dress warmly. Wear layers of clothing so that you can adjust to the changing temperatures.

Tip 3: Bring a blanket or chair.
The parade route is over a mile long, so you may want to bring a blanket or chair to sit on. This will help you to stay comfortable and enjoy the parade.

Tip 4: Bring a camera.
The Lakeland Christmas Parade is a great opportunity to capture some festive holiday photos. Be sure to bring a camera to capture all the sights and sounds of the parade.

We hope these tips help you to have a wonderful time at the 2024 Lakeland Christmas Parade!

We hope this article has provided you with all the information you need to know about the 2024 Lakeland Christmas Parade. We encourage everyone to come out and enjoy this special holiday event.


The 2024 Lakeland Christmas Parade promises to be a magical and memorable event for the whole family. With its festive floats, marching bands, special guests, and free admission, the parade is a great way to celebrate the holiday season and create lasting memories.

We encourage everyone to come out and enjoy the parade on December 7, 2024. Dress warmly, bring a blanket or chair, and a camera to capture all the sights and sounds of the parade. We hope to see you there!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the Lakeland Christmas Parade Committee!

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